Social Media Guidelines
Social Media Guidelines
The Rocklin Unified School District (RUSD) and its schools welcome the community’s contributions to its official social media channels (e.g., post comments).
RUSD social media channels, including, but not limited to, accounts on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram intend to inform and engage with RUSD students, families, staff members, and members of the community to provide current and useful information regarding district programs, activities, and operations. Such information shall be appropriate for both internal and external audiences.
The intent of these guidelines regarding participation on RUSD and its schools’ official social media channels is to maintain a respectful, positive, and informative flow of communication while protecting the privacy and rights of our community. With these aims in mind, posting on RUSD’s and its schools’ official social media channels constitutes acceptance of the following terms of use and protocols:
- Participants are encouraged to submit comments, questions, and concerns. However, RUSD’s and its schools’ official social media channels are moderated online discussion sites that constitute a limited forum, the contents of which are at the discretion and control of RUSD and its schools;
- RUSD and its schools will exercise their rights within the law to regulate speech within this limited forum on their social media channels;
- All postings of comments on RUSD’s and its schools’ social media channels are at the discretion of RUSD and its schools’ social media channels’ administrators;
- RUSD and its schools’ official social media channels’ administrators will review postings to make sure they are appropriate, respectful, and abide by RUSD’s Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 1114 regarding District-sponsored social media;
- RUSD and its schools’ official social media channels’ administrators will not restrict speech based on the opinion expressed or a disagreement with the opinion expressed;
- Once posted, the RUSD and its schools’ official social media channels’ administrators reserve the right to delete submissions that contain vulgar language, personal attacks of any kind, or offensive comments that target or disparage any ethnic, racial, gender, religious, or other groups; and
- RUSD and its schools do not allow postings of photographs or videos by anyone other than by official social media channel administrators or other specifically authorized RUSD/school personnel.
Further, RUSD and its school social media channels’ administrators also reserve the right to delete comments on the official social media channel that:
- Contain spam, advertising, solicitations, or include links to other sites;
- Cause or are reasonably likely to cause substantial disruption to RUSD or a school site and the school district’s educational environment or operations;
- Are obscene, sexually explicit, vulgar, including masked words (****), acronyms, and abbreviations or depict violence or the use of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco;
- Violate a person’s privacy;
- Abuse, harass, stalk, or threaten to violate the legal rights of others;
- Are libelous or slanderous;
- Are clearly off-topic from the social media post;
- Interfere with the educational mission of RUSD and/or its schools;
- Endorse or promote any service, product, cause, political party, political organization, political candidate, or political campaign;
- Are chain letters, pyramid schemes, or fraudulent or deceptive messages;
- Infringe on copyrights or trademarks;
- Contain links to inappropriate websites;
- Advocate illegal activity; and/or
- Violate any RUSD policies.
Please note that the comments expressed on any of RUSD’s or its school sites’ social media channels do not reflect the opinions and positions of RUSD, its school sites, or its employees.
Rocklin Unified thanks you in advance for your contributions to its schools’ and school district’s official social media channels and for the help in creating a safe and vibrant online community.
For more information, contact the RUSD Department of Communications and Community Engagement at 916-672-3606 or send an email to RUSDcommunications@RocklinUSD.org.
[Posted August 12, 2022]