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Approved Flyers as of 06/05/2024

Approved Flyers as of 06/05/2024

If your student is interested in a class that is available at multiple school sites, once you click on the link, please scroll through the pages to find the appropriate information for your child's school.
Flyer Approval Process/Approved Flyers

Flyer Approval Process/Approved Flyers

Rocklin Unified School District sincerely appreciates all individuals and organizations that provide valuable information and opportunities to our students. However, because our students are minors and are required by law to attend school, Rocklin Unified School District (RUSD) protects them from commercial solicitations during school hours. The individuals or organizations interested in sharing information with RUSD families must fall under the following categories:

  • Non-profit organizations
  • Parent Teacher Associations/organizations or school booster clubs
  • Higher education institutions (only if materials relate to educational opportunities for school-age students)
  • Business that directly enhances or supports the school's educational program
  • Governmental agency (e.g., Park & Recreation)
  • Supplemental education services (SES) provider authorized by the Department of Education and the District Office (information from private schools, charter schools or for-profit organizations other than SES will not be distributed)
For the Guidelines and Submission Process, CLICK HERE.