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Employee Leaves

Employees needing an extended leave from work should initially reach out to their immediate supervisor (such as a school principal or department supervisor) to be directed to the Human Resources Department. Various State and Federal laws, along with contractual obligations, specify specific leave requirements.
Employee Leave Planning Checklist:
  • Determine what type of Leave you may need.
  • Leave Request Form
  • If you are under a Collective Bargaining Agreement, review the Labor Contracts & MOUs section.
  • Contact Director, Personnel Services at 624-2428 to schedule an appointment to discuss Leave details.
  • Items to consider:
    • Any type of Medical Leave will require a note or medical certification from a medical professional.
    • If requesting leave to be a caregiver, there are limitations on paid leaves that can be used.
    • Identify current Leave balances (sick, vacation) which can be found on the paystub. Employees will need to compare to time taken off since the last paystub.
    • Potential length of Leave.
    • Third party disability plans (Can often be found on paystub. [Certificated: The Standard, Classified: SDI, Administrators: Cigna]).
    • General Progression of Paid Leave:
      • Sick Leave
      • Vacation (For those who have it and give permission to use it)
      • Catastrophic (if granted by committee)
      • Extended Sick Leave (often referred to differential leave). Employees are entitled to 100 days to assist in returning to work. The general premise of extended sick leave is the employee's salary minus the cost of the substitute. Employees taking leave to be a caregiver are not eligible for extended sick leave.
      • Unpaid leave: in certain types of Leaves, once all paid Leave is exhausted, and employee can request an unpaid leave.
    • For Certificated employees:
      • In order to move a step on the salary schedule, employees must work 75% of days in a school year. The RTPA contract allows employees to count up to 90 days of fully paid sick leave toward the 75% of days worked. Extended sick leave( substitute differential does not count as fully paid).
      • If employees are a probationary teacher, then they must work 75% of the days in a school year to gain a year toward tenure or be tenured in the third year of employment. Any days not at work do not count toward the 75%.
Leave Forms:

Healthy Workplace/Healthy Families Act

Eligibility Requirements
  • Employees who are not covered by a valid collective bargaining agreement, or employees who have not already received paid sick days, paid leave or paid time off pursuant to Education Code or RUSD policy.
  • Retired employees who receive STRS, or retired employees who are PERS eligible but have not received PERS retirement benefits.
  • An employee who works 30 or more days within a year of employment (does not have to be consecutive days) from the first day of work after January 1, 2015 (or if hired after that date) is entitled to paid sick days.
  • An employee shall be entitled to use accrued paid sick leave days beginning on the 90th day of employment.
Sick Leave Accrual and Usage
  • The accrual method will be used. Information regarding sick leave accrual will be posted on monthly payroll checks/stubs for eligible employees. (Please remember the accrual posting will always be a month behind.)
  • Accrual: Paid sick leave days/hours begin to accrue on the first day of employment, or July 1, 2015, whichever is earlier.
  • District will grant 1 hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked. Employees cannot USE any accrued hours/days until they meet the 30 day and 90 day requirements. Usage: Maximum usage is 40 hours or 5 days in a school year. “Employees” covered by this policy are entitled to use 5 days or 40 hours of paid sick time annually which may be used within a 12 month period or term of employment. 40 hours shall be the maximum benefit except in situations where an employee works a regular modified schedule in which his/her work days exceed 8 hours. (e.g. An employee who works four, 10-hour days per week.) In such cases, a “day” shall be the equivalent of the hours in the employee’s regularly-scheduled work day. 5 days of those regular alternative schedule days shall be the maximum annual benefit. On 90th day of employment the employee may use paid sick hours or days:
    • Classified: minimum of two hours can be used for each absence
    • Certificated: minimum of half day increment can be used for each absence.
  • An employee can take paid sick leave for the following reasons: (1) an employee’s illness or that of a family member; (2) for the diagnosis, care or treatment of an existing health condition or preventative care for the employee or a family member; or (3) for specified purposes for an employee who is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking
  • Family member is defined as:
    • A child, which for purposes of this article means a biological, adopted, or foster child, stepchild, legal ward, or a child to whom the employee stands in loco parentis. This definition of a child is applicable regardless of age or dependency status.
    • A biological, adoptive, or foster parent, stepparent, or legal guardian of an employee or the employee's spouse or registerd domestic partner, or a person who stood in loco parentis when the employee was a minor child.
    • A spouse
    • A registered domestic partner
    • A grandparent
    • A grandchild
    • A sibling
    • A designated person, which, for purposes of this article, means a person identified by the employee at the time the employee requests paid sick days. An employer may limit an employee to one designated person per 12-month period for paid sick days.
  • An employee must request paid sick days or hours using the District Healthy Workplace, Healthy Families Act Absence Request Form (attached).
  • Accrual, Cap and Carry Over: employees may accrue up to a maximum of 10 days/80 hours and may only carry over 10 unused days/ 80 hours to the next fiscal year. Employees may use a maximum of 5 days or 40 hours in any school year.
Restoration of Previously Accrued Sick Leave Balances
  • Upon termination, resignation, retirement, or any other separation from employment, RUSD will not provide compensation to an employee for accrued, unused paid sick leave. However, an employee that is rehired by the district within one year from the date of separation shall have his or her previously accrued and unused paid sick leave reinstated and available to use upon rehire. If a rehired employee had not yet worked the requisite ninety (90) days of employment to use sick leave at the time of separation, the employee must still satisfy the 90 days of employment requirement collectively over the periods of employment with the Rocklin Unified School District before any paid sick leave may be used.
Click here to access the Request Form.