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Services for Preschoolers

Services for Preschoolers

The Rocklin Unified School District (RUSD) offers a continuum of special education services to preschool-aged children with communication and/or developmental delays.

Preschool Child Find

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) includes the Child Find requirement. Child Find requires all school districts to identify, locate, and evaluate all children with disabilities, regardless of their severity. If you suspect your child's development is delayed, please contact the Rocklin Unified School District (RUSD) Special Education Department at (916) 630-2232 for more information regarding a possible assessment. Please also click here for the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) developmental milestone information. 

Infant Transition to Preschool (Part C to B)

Moving from Part C (infant services ages 0-3) to another program is known as transition. It is an important time in the lives of children with disabilities and their families. Many children who received Part C services remain eligible for special education services under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which requires schools to provide assessments and specialized instruction to individuals with disabilities ages 3 to 21. For more information regarding this process, please click here

Registration for Preschool Assessments

For the assessment, complete the "Online Registration for New & Returning Students" online and select the “Special Education Assessment School.” 
    • Click on “Online Registration for New Students.”
    • Click on “Click Here to Register.” 
    • Click on “Enroll a New Student.” 
    • From the drop down menu, select “2023-2024 Current School Year.” Click “Next.”
    • Review the required information page and click “Next” (see below) 
    • “Login” if you are an existing user, or select “Create Account” if you are a new user.
    • After you log in, continue to follow the instructions and you will eventually see the “Special Education Assessment School.” 
During registration, you will be asked for a copy of your child’s IEP (Individualized Education Program). You can proceed without providing that document as your child would not currently have an IEP. 
Required Information to Register New Students:
  1. A copy of the birth certificate, immunizations, and proof of residency will need to be uploaded as part of enrollment.
    • Scan & Upload the following documents as part of online registration:
    • Proof of residence (for example: current utility bill or notarized escrow papers).  For more information see Residence Verification.
    • Proof of child's age (please provide one of these):  Original Birth Certificate, Birth Record, Baptism Certificate, Passport or Affidavit of the Parent, Guardian, or Custodian of the Minor.
  2. Immunization record California law, Education Code Section 48216, requires that each child entering school for the first time present evidence of being fully immunized against Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DPT); Polio; Hepatitis B; Mumps, Measles and Rubella (MMR); Chicken Pox (Varicella); and Haemophilus Influenza Type B.  No child will be permitted to attend school in the Rocklin Unified School District unless a documented, up-to-date immunization record of required immunizations is submitted to the school.
  3. Date/Time stamp will be the date/time you click “Submit” and complete your online registration. See Enrollment Procedures regarding school placement. If you have any questions, please contact the following individuals in the Educational Services Department or the school site.

RUSD Preschool Continuum

The Rocklin Unified School District (RUSD) offers a continuum of special education services to preschool-aged children with communication and/or developmental delays.  
The following programs are part of our services continuum: 
  • Special Day Class – Structured Teaching Program (STP) at Rock Creek Elementary
  • Non-Categorical Special Day Class (Non-Cat SDC) at Sunset Ranch Elementary
  • Preschool Intervention Program (PIP) at Cobblestone Elementary
  • Designated Instructional Services (DIS) Speech Services at Antelope Creek Elementary

Early Childhood Community Involvement

By observing and participating in the community, children learn about themselves, their world, and how to develop positive, constructive relationships with others. Each child has unique strengths, interests, and perspectives to contribute. Rocklin Unified encourages family involvement in the community to enhance each child’s development.
Please click here for several recommended and free community opportunities.