The mission of the Rocklin Unified School District’s Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program is to identify gifted and high-achieving students, including those from diverse racial, socio-economic, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds, and to provide high-quality, differentiated instructional learning opportunities that meet the needs of these students’ unique abilities.
The Rocklin Unified School District’s GATE Program aims to provide differentiated learning opportunities for identified students during the regular school day. Differentiation is a process of modifying curriculum content and/or teaching methodologies used with the core curriculum so that students may learn at their ability level and at their own pace. Strategies used may include but are not limited to flexible grouping, acceleration, in-depth study, complexity, and novelty. Rocklin Unified offers GATE clusters at elementary schools or self-contained GATE classes at Rocklin Elementary.
Click to view: What is Differentiated Education?
Click to view: What is Differentiated Education?
GATE TESTING Timeline for RUSD Students
GATE Testing Timeline for RUSD Students
RUSD 1st Grade Students
Testing Details
All first grade students enrolled in a RUSD school will be administered the RAVEN 2 unless their parent/legal guardian opts them out. The RAVEN 2 is completed during the school day. Any student absent from school on the day of testing will be given one make up option predetermined by our GATE test proctor. There will be an additional make up session offered after school at a centrally located school site if a student misses both testing opportunities at their school. The GATE test window for students is December 1st through January 15th of each school year.
Parents/Legal Guardians will be notified at the end of January of student test results through Parent Square. Families may pick up their child’s GATE score report during the week of April 28th through May 2nd at RUSD’s district office. Students who qualify for GATE will have the opportunity to enter the Rocklin Elementary School 2nd Grade Self Contained GATE Classroom lottery. Please see GATE Placement.
Students who qualify for GATE will automatically be placed in a GATE cluster classroom at their home school the following school year. GATE qualified students will also have the option to sign up for GATE Self-Contained Classrooms at Rocklin Elementary through our lottery process. The lottery process will open in February for first grade GATE qualified students. For more information on our GATE program at Rocklin Elementary please contact Renae Robertson at
Please view our Frequently Asked Questions tab for more information.
RUSD 3rd and 5th Grade Students (by sign up)
Testing Details
Students enrolled in a RUSD school who signed up for testing will take the RAVEN 2 at their school site during their school day. Legal guardians will be notified through ParentSquare of their child’s test date. Any student absent from school on the day of testing will be given one make up option predetermined by our GATE test proctor. There will be an additional make up session offered after school at a centrally located school site if a student misses both testing opportunities at their school. The GATE test window for 3rd and 5th grade students is October 1st through November 1st of each school year.
Parents/Legal Guardians will be notified at the end of January of student test results through Parent Square. Families may pick up their child’s GATE score report during the week of April 28th through May 2nd at RUSD’s district office.
GATE Placement
Students who qualify for GATE will automatically be placed in a GATE cluster classroom at their home school the following school year. GATE qualified students in grades 2-5 may inquire about space availability in our Rocklin Elementary School self contained GATE classes by contacting Renae Robertson at
Please view our Frequently Asked Questions for more information.
Qualified GATE Students
Qualified GATE Students
Elementary students who qualify for GATE will automatically be placed in a GATE cluster classroom at their home school the following school year. GATE qualified students will also have the option to sign up for GATE Self-Contained Classrooms at Rocklin Elementary through our lottery process. The lottery process will open in February for first grade GATE qualified students. GATE qualified students in grades 2nd - 5th may inquire about our lottery and waitlist process by contacting Renae Robertson at
Non RUSD Students
Out of District Students OR Non-Traditional RUSD Schools (Charter Schools)
1st Grade
1st grade students outside of Rocklin Unified School District who are interested in Rocklin Elementary’s Self-Contained GATE program may sign up for the GATE test by visiting our RUSD website. Testing will take place in January (date and time TBD) at Rocklin Elementary School. Students who meet GATE criteria will be notified by January 24th and can request to be submitted into Rocklin Elementary’s GATE 2nd grade classroom lottery.
Grade 1 Sign Up
Grade 1 Sign Up
Grades 3rd, 5th & 6th
Students in grades 3, 5 & 6 who missed the fall GATE testing window are pre enrolled in RUSD school for the upcoming year may sign up for the GATE test by visiting our RUSD website. Testing will take place in June (date and time TBD) at the RUSD district office. Students who meet GATE criteria will be notified with test results within one week of completing testing.
Grade 3, 5 & 6 Sign Up
Grade 3, 5 & 6 Sign Up
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Who is administered the GATE test?
Students in grades 3 and 5 can sign up to be GATE tested in the fall of each school year.
All first-grade students are tested during the school day in December unless a parent or legal guardian opts them out.
Students in grade 6 who are pre-enrolled for the upcoming school year may request testing through Testing will take place in June.
How do I get my 2nd, 4th, or 6th grade student GATE tested?
Students in grades 2, 4, and 6 may use outside agencies like Sacramento State for GATE testing. Student results may be emailed to and will be analyzed to determine the student’s GATE status in our district.
When will GATE testing take place?
Testing will take place during the school day. A week before testing, an email with specific dates and times for testing at your child’s school site will be sent to the address provided on the sign-up form.
Can my child still take the GATE test if he/she is absent the day testing occurs?
We will offer one make-up session for those who cannot attend due to absence. However, we ask that you ensure your child is at school that day.
How will GATE test results be reported to families?
Families will be notified through ParentSquare with their child’s GATE status (qualified/did not qualify). A hard copy of your child’s score report may be picked up from the RUSD district office in the spring.
When will the GATE test results be sent?
At the end of January, families will be notified through ParentSquare of their child’s GATE status (qualified/did not qualify).
What other criteria are used to determine if a student qualifies for GATE in RUSD?
GATE test results, academic grade level measures, and individual programs will be used to determine if a child qualifies for GATE.
What GATE test is used for testing?
Students in Grades 1,3 & 5 are administered the Raven's Progressive Matrices Test (RAVEN 2).
How often can my child take the GATE assessment?
RUSD will administer the GATE test to all 1st-grade students and 3rd and 5th grade students by sign-up.
If my child is already identified as GATE in RUSD, do they need to take the test every year?
No, once your child is identified as GATE, they will continue to hold that status in RUSD until they disenroll or graduate.
Does my child have to take the GATE test if they were identified as a GATE student in their prior district?
If your child can provide proof of GATE test results or GATE identification from another district, you do not need to have your child GATE tested. Please email
How can I prepare my child for GATE testing?
RUSD’s GATE assessments are non-verbal tests designed to measure abstract reasoning and general intelligence using various images. RUSD has found that students who come into test sessions well-rested, try their best, and aren’t overwhelmed with worrying about their scores tend to do well.
How do I sign up for the GATE Lottery at Rocklin Elementary School?
If your child is in 1st grade and qualifies for GATE, a message will be sent to your family with directions on how to sign up for the lottery. This message will go out in January. If your child is in grades 2-6, please call Rocklin Elementary and ask to be put on their waitlist.
Will my student’s GATE scores be updated into the Aeries parent portal?
Due to limited space in the parent portal, GATE identification cannot be seen by parents. However, scores are reflected in the Aeries student information system and can be seen at the school sites.
Will there be a GATE Parent Meeting?
Yes, a GATE Parent Information Meeting will be scheduled after score reports are released.
When will my child receive GATE services?
Students start GATE services the following year of qualifying. However, their current classroom teacher is notified of their GATE status and can accommodate work if the student shows mastery in the concept. The following school year, students will be placed in a GATE cluster classroom with a qualified teacher. All teachers with a California credential are qualified to teach GATE students. Additional training is provided to teachers of GATE cluster classes.
If I have specific questions or concerns about my child's academics in the classroom, who should I talk to?
Questions and concerns should be brought to the classroom teacher’s attention.
Can I opt out of GATE testing?
Grades 3 and 5 are sign-up only. If you would not like your 1st-grade child to be GATE tested, please just let the classroom teacher know you are opting them out.
Who do I email if I have any other questions?
*Please note this account is not monitored daily; however we will reply back in a timely manner.
Please find a list of appropriate grade level books for advanced readers:
Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program at Rocklin Elementary
Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program at Rocklin Elementary
Question specific to the Self-contained GATE Classes at Rocklin Elementary should be directed to Renae Robertson at
All other questions should be directed to